Cognos 8 Business Intelligence
Cognos 8 Business Intelligence
- All the participants must be aware of any RDBMS activities along with its application.
- Data Warehousing Basics Knowledge.
- Prior Experience of any Cognos Versions not required.
- Introduce Cognos 8 BI
- Examine the different studios in Cognos 8 BI
- Identify the different data sources within the studios
- Highlight key capabilities of Cognos 8 BI
- Architecture
- Multi-tired architecture
- Communications
- Introduction to Framework Manager
- Framework Manager Basics
- User Interface, Navigation, Objects
- Planning the project and data model
- Naming Conventions for objects in a project
- Designing Project
- Create project
- Importing Metadata
- Exporting Metadata
- Multi-user Modeling
- Segmenting and Linking
- Create Model Documentation
- Data Sources
- Working with Data Source Connections
- Create and Modify Data Sources
- Improve Performance by setting Query Processing Type
- Examine Cognos Connection
- Introduction to Report Studio
- Create Reports
- Changing the Appearance of Reports (Format)
- Sorting and Grouping
- Preparing Relational Metadata for use in Reports
- Verifying Relationships
- Working with Dimensions
- Working with Query Subjects
- Working with Query Items
- Supporting Multilingual Metadata
- Adding Business Rules
- Organizing the Model
- Introduction to Report Studio
- Report Studio User Interface
- Creating, Save and Run Reports
- Report Templates
- Managing Reports
- Types of Reports
- List Reports
- Crosstab Reports
- Charts
- Maps
- Formatting a Report
- Report Layout Guidelines
- Fonts, Styles, Header, Footer and Borders
- Insert objects
- Apply Table Styles
- Swap Columns and Rows
- Report studio environment overview
- Display your data via multiple report types
- Focus queries with prompts and filters
- Extend reports using calculations
- Sum and aggregate data
- Query modeling
- Enhance report layout with additional report building techniques
- Highlight information based on business rules
- Working with Data
- Filters, Parameters and Prompts
- Sorting and Grouping
- Subtotals and Calculations
- Working with Queries
- Working with Reports
- Managing changes in the Package
- Report Bursting
- Conditional Formatting
- Drill-through Reports
- Drill-up/Drill-down Reports
- Master-Detail Reports
- Scheduling Reports
- Create complex query results and join queries
- Learn how to reuse existing report objects
- Distribute reports using bursting
- Create advanced dynamic reports