Angular JS
- AngularJS is an open-source framework sponsored by Google. It is more than a library. It helps extend HTML into a more expressive and readable format. It employs efficient two way data-binding and sensible MVC implementation. AngularJS is self-described as “HTML enhanced for web apps”
- The session involves a large amount of hands-on. Concepts will be introduced and reinforced with examples/demos. Attendees will be exposed to
- Two-way data binding
- Modules
- Directives
- Controllers
- Services
- Filters
- Forms and validation
- Extensibility
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- CSS3
- Server-side programming
- Introduction
- What is AngularJS?
- The history of AngularJS
- AngularJS and jQuery
- Creating an AngularJS Application
- A simple application
- ng-app
- Data Binding
- ng-model
- ng-init
- Defining an AngularJS Module
- Understanding the Model and View
- Definition and Purpose
- Using $scope
- Expressions in Angular
- How Angular uses Dependency Injection
- Nested Controllers
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Overview
- Using AngularJS built-in filters
- Filtering arrays with $filter
- Custom filters
- Overview and Purpose
- Teaching the browser new HTML
- Template
- Restrict
- Replace
- Priority
- Transclude
- Difference between scope and $scope
- Employing HTML Templates
- Built-in directives
- ng-show
- ng-hide
- ng-switch
- ng-repeat
- ng-if
- Comparing link() and compile()
- The AngularJS form Directive
- Using AngularJS Form Validation
- Custom validation
- $emit
- $broadcast
- $on
- Overview
- Providers, Factories and Services
- Data sharing between Controllers
- Invoking the $http service
- Overview
- SPA and Page Navigation
- ngRoute module
- Configuring routing
- Using Parameters
- $location Service
- Overview
- CSS3 Transitions
- CSS3 Animations
- JavaScript Animations
- AngularUI
- ui-router
- ui-utils
- UI Bootstrap Overview