Ab Initio Training
Ab Initio
Course Description:
- This 6-Days, instructor-led course compliments and Ab Initio. The Implementation Methodology is based upon Enterprise Project Methodology with special attention to the capabilities that Ab Initio software provides for complex and/or data intensive applications and systems. This methodology has been built on various experiences utilizing Ab Initio software. Just as the functionality of Ab Initio software is ever expanding in meeting (and often exceeding) market need, so too does Ab Initio methodology.
- Ab Initio Server Hardware
- Ab Initio Installation
- Ab Initio Data Profiles
- Ab Initio File Systems and Heterogeneous Database Systems
- Ab Initio Data Integration Design Specifications
- Ab Initio Application Graphs
- Ab Initio Application Test Plan
- Ab Initio Graph Development Standards Checklist
- Ab Initio Lifecycle Migration
- Ab Initio Application Operations
- Developers with any RDBMS Applications.
- Six(6) Days Classroom & Lab Session(50% Lecture & 50% Hands-on Labs).
- Four(4) Days Basics
- Two(2) Days Advance
- Salient Features of Ab Initio
- The Ab Initio Co-Operating System
- Graphical Development Environment (GDE)
- Intro to The Ab Initio Enterprise Meta-Environment (EME)
- What is sandbox and its usage
- Public and private parameters
- What is graph programming and basic parts of AbInitio graph building
- What is the Anatomy of Running a Job
- How do we Connect from GDE to the Server (Run ? Settings)
- Broad classification of components
- Editors in the GDE
- XFR and its usage